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Hi,Im Emma.

Owner of Baby Raspberry.

It always sounds like a negative story but there's always a happy ending right? 

Baby Raspberry came about after the lost of my first pregnancy. After trying for a baby for years my heart was torn apart on that 7th week. In a first pregnancy the most excited part about at that stage is finding out every week what sized fruit you were. Unfortunately we didn't make it past a Raspberry (hence the name). This is were I needed to distract myself from it all. I got my crochet hooks out and started looking on Pinterest for something to make. I have a knitwear degree and I hadn't crocheted for years. It was strange that I decided to choose a baby bootie to make after everything. I bravely uploaded a picture onto my personal Instagram and got five people messaging me to make them some.

At first I was working full time and exhausting myself to make this hobby anything more. Then all of a sudden we got a little miracle surprise. A positive pregnancy test, my little rainbow baby. When Harrison was newborn and slept the day away I started to focus more on making this hobby a business and you guys are what made it happen and I am so grateful for that as you allow me to be a stay at home mum who works through the night to support our family. 

So here's my happy ending.

My perfect family.

My business.

Thank you,

Love, Emma, Harrison and Millicent X

🍇 how amazing is _logosbynikki #bloomwh
Rainbow Pompoms 🎉.jpg
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